Wednesday, September 25, 2013

See Any Seeds?

As you wander through the autumn landscape, consider collecting seeds to donate to the Naturally Beautiful Roadsides project. 

We're always happy to get any shrub-steppe species, especially those with colorful flowers. It's too late to find lupine unless you collected them earlier, but you might see seeds from the list below. 

Contact Joyce to hand off the seeds, or to sign up to participate in our fall weeding & seeding day sometime in October.

  • Scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata
  • Any wild buckwheat, Eriogonum
  • Any desert parsley, Lomatium
  • Any shrub-steppe lupine, Lupinus
  • Any aster or daisy, Erigeron, etc.
  • Any penstemon
  • Blazing star, Mentzelia laevicaulis
  • And any other natives that you find in the shrub-steppe

Take care to harvest from only a portion of any localized plant community. Keep your seeds dry and stored in paper. 

Thanks for contributing to our project.

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