Field Trips

2019 Field Trips

Explore the flora of the Methow Valley with fellow plant lovers! 

Anyone is welcome to join these free trips. Please reserve a spot on any hike by contacting the trip leader.

Trip Leaders, here are the documents to print for each walk you lead. 

Click Here for the Release Form (Have all attendees fill out)


Okanogan Chapter WNPS 2019 Field Trips

Saturday, April 6 - Spokane Gulch/Goat Wall
Meeting Time:  10:00am
Meeting Place: Mazama Trailhead parking lot (aka ‘the corral” parking lot)
Hike Leader: Eric Burr

Explore Spokane Gulch early spring flowers, including possibly Steer's Head, Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Spring Beauties, Yellow Bells and more.  Wear sturdy shoes suitable for walking over icy snow patches, and/or wet, muddy areas.  This is Mazama's most popular trail and the path is already well beaten in, across the few snow patches.  Expect to be out a few hours. 

Save your spot 


Friday, April 26 - “Native Plant Appreciation Week” Patterson Mountain
Meeting Time: 10:00am
Meeting Place: Boat Launch parking lot at Patterson Lake
Hike Leader:  Mary Kiesau

Washington’s “Native Plant Appreciation Week” is April 21-28 so let’s get out and celebrate it with a hike that touches many of the Methow's different ecological communities including riparian, shrub-steppe and dry forest.  This is a half day, moderate hike that will go up the south side of Patterson Mtn to the top and loop around the north side back to the beginning.  There are steep sections but we'll move at a naturalists' pace.  Expect exceptional views, blooming flowers, tree and shrubs, and some birdsong too.  Bring lunch, a drink, clothing appropriate for the day's weather, and any other optional stuff you might want like binoculars, field guides, camera, etc. Discover Pass required for the parking lot, or park on the road.  We’ll be back to the cars between 2:00 and 3:00pm.  Limited to 12 people, registration required.

Save your spot


Sunday, April 28 - “The Great Divide” Where the Methow & Columbia Rivers Meet
Meeting Time: 8am
Meeting Place: Methow Valley Community Center (Twisp) parking lot
Hike Leader: Dana Visalli

An uphill and off-trail hike near the confluence of the Methow and Columbia Rivers, hiking up the watershed divide between the two.  This is not particularly strenuous as we will go slowly and only hike a mile or two, but there is no trail. We will be enjoying the plants of the lowest part of the watershed.  There are a few unusual species down there we might see. We will be back about 2:00pm.

Save your spot


Sunday, May 12 - Lake Creek Trail to Black Lake
Meeting Time: 9:00am
Meeting Place: Town Trailhead parking lot, behind Winthrop PT
Hike Leader: Mary Kiesau and/or Caryl Campbell

On the drive up to the Lake Creek Trailhead we’ll look for Lewisia tweedyi, a cousin to our beloved bitterroot.  It blooms along the road, over the river and up Lake Creek.  Once at the trailhead, we’ll hike 4 relatively flat miles to Black Lake.  It is a great option for early season hiking due to its low elevation, but it can be sunny and hot, so dress accordingly and bring sunscreen.  We should see lots of blooming penstemon and ceanothus, among many other flowers.  Bring lunch, a drink, clothing appropriate for the day's weather, and any other optional stuff you might want like binoculars, field guides, camera, etc.  This is a full day hike, but not a strenuous one.  Limited to 12 people, registration required.  NW Forest Pass required at Lake Creek Trailhead.

Save your spot


Saturday, May 25 - The Chewuch River
Meeting Time: 8:30am
Meeting Place: Winthrop library parking lot (but park at the Red Barn)
Hike Leader: George Wooten

We’ll walk the Chewuch River Road from the end of the road. This is an easy walk, timed to occur when Lewisia tweedyi is in bloom. We will see the Chewuch Research Natural Area, featuring large-scale disturbances. We will hike from the end of the Chewuch River road (either Thirtymile Trailhead north, or if the bridge is out, we will walk south along the main road). Bring gear for any type of weather, including mosquito repellant. We will carpool to the end of the Chewuch Road and begin walking around 9:30, returning to town around 2:30pm.  Limit 15 people.

Save your spot


Sunday, May 26 - Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Methow: Methow Valley Interpretive Center Garden Tour
Time: 5:00 to 6:30
Meeting Place: Methow Valley Interpretive Center
Leaders: George Wooten and Rob Crandall

Rob Crandall and George Wooten will stroll through the Methow Valley Native Plant Garden to help identify edible and medicinal native plants and talk about their uses.  Free and open to the public


June 7 & 9 - Grass Identification Class, $50
Time: June 7th, 7-9pm classroom session, and June 9th, 9:00am-1:00pm, field session
Meeting Place: 
Leader: Dana Visalli
A great introductory workshop to get to know and recognize our common grass species in the Methow Valley, and learn how to key them out with hand-lenses.  Registration required.  $50/person.

Save your spot


Saturday, July 6 - Hart’s Pass Meadows
Meeting Time: 9:00am
Meeting Place: Winthrop library parking lot
Hike Leader: George Wooten

We will visit verdant meadows southeast of Hart's Pass, along the road, paying close attention to the umbel family, its chemistry and uses by humans and wildlife.  There is ample camping in the area for those who want to explore more on their own, otherwise we’ll be back around 2pm.  Limit 15 people.

Save your spot


Saturday: July 20 - Exploring Long Swamp
Meeting Time: 10:00 AM
Meeting Place: Tonasket Ranger District Parking Lot
Hike Leader: Erica Heinlen

This will be an all-day adventure.  We will park at the Long Swamp Campground and explore from there.  Long Swamp is a very large wetland complex that holds many botanical treasures.  There are no trails.  Erica, the hike organizer, is an expert in mosses and can teach some basic moss identification and show the group some interesting mosses found in this unique environment.  Otherwise you can simply explore the wetland.  You will need rubber boots and bug repellant, and then normal field gear (lunch, water, layers of clothing, sun protection).  It takes over an hour to drive to the campground.  If you plan to camp or meet at the campground, please coordinate with Erica. Limit 10, registration required.

Save your spot:


2018 Field Trips

March 29th - Spokane Gulch
Meeting Time: 10:30
Meeting Place: Mazama Store
Hike Leader: Eric Burr, a retired ranger/naturalist

This is a 2 hour Methow At Home sponsored hike that is open to the public. Explore Spokane Gulch early Spring flowers. Meet at the Mazama Store after 10:30 to car pool to the trail head just across the still snow covered and skiable Mazama Meadow. Wear sturdy shoes suitable for walking over icy snow patches. This is Mazama's most popular trail and the path is already well beaten in, across the few snow patches. Spring beauties are out already. 

Save your spot 


Sunday, 4/22/2018
Patterson Mtn 
Hike Leader: Mary Kiesau
Meeting time: 9:00
Meeting place:  Boat Launch parking lot at Patterson Lake

Everyday is Earth Day, but today let's get out and officially celebrate it with a hike that touches many of the Methow's different ecological communities including riparian, shrub-steppe and dry forest.  This is a half day, moderate hike that will go to up the south side of Patterson Mtn to the top and loop around the north side back to the beginning.  There are steep sections but we'll move at a naturalists' pace.  Expect exceptional views, blooming flowers, tree and shrubs, and some birdsong too.  Bring lunch, a drink, clothing appropriate for the day's weather, and any other optional stuff you might want like binoculars, field guides, camera, etc. Discover Pass required for the parking lot. 
Limited to 12 people, registration required.

Save your spot: 
Contact Mary at 509-996-8242 or

May 5th - Medicinal & Edible Plants at the Native Plant Garden
Meeting Time 11:00
Meeting Place: Methow Valley Interpretive Center
Hike Leaders: Rosalee & Xavier de la Forêt

Join Rosalee & Xavier de la Foret on a tour of the Methow Valley Native Plant Garden at the Methow Valley Interpretive Center. This is less of a “hike” and more of a shuffle as we tour the garden to see the wide diversity of plants available there. This is a free event, donations to the MVIC are welcome. Register early to save your spot. Tour is from 11:00 to 12:30. Limited to 12.

Save your spot: 
509-557-3660 (email is best)


May 11th - Goat Wall
Meeting Time: 9:00
Meeting Place: Mazama Store
Hike Leader: Eric Burr

We'll meet at the Mazama store first, to insure all have lunches, water, and to carpool.The path is steep and rough, but heavily used by climbers and trail runners. 9AM at the store works well. Flowers will be all the Spring suspects, including Chocolate Lilies and Shooting Stars. The scenic views are outstanding. No size limit  Register with Eric Burr & Margrit Broennimann

Save your spot: 


May 18th - Lewisia tweedyii
Meeting Time: 8:00
Meeting Place: Town Trailhead behind Winthrop PT
Hike Leader: Carol Campbell

This is a half day hike. I will lead a car/walk up to Lake Cr and Andrews creek to view the Lewisia  tweedyii. It has been renamed but many of us are reluctant to give up the poetic name. It blooms along the road, over the river and up Lake Creek .  These locations make it easy to photograph. Bring the usual layers of clothes and snacks and cameras. This is an easy trip. Limited to 10. 

Save your spot: 


June 1 - Big Valley Wildflower Walk
Meeting Time: 11:00
Meeting Place: Big Valley Parking Area
Hike leaders: Rosalee & Xavier de la Forêt

Join Rosalee & Xavier de la Foret for a wildflower walk where you will explore the many edible and medicinal plants found along the valley floor. With luck Lady’s Slippers will be in bloom! This is a very easy walk which will last about 1.5 hours. Bring water and snacks if desired. Register early to save your spot.  Limited to 12.

Save your spot: 
509-557-3660 (email is best)


June 8th - Butterfly Hike
Meeting Time: 9:00
Meeting Place: Parking lot at Twisp Grange
Hike Leader: Joyce Bergen

This is a half-day outing - about a 2-mile round trip walk into Deadhorse Lake off Frost Road. We’ll enjoy the flowers and catch butterflies to look at them closely, and then release them. Bring nets and field guides if you have them, but we have extras. Look for location confirmation via email a few days in advance of the trip. Limited to 12 people. To reserve your spot, notify Joyce

Save your spot:


June 20th-21st - Bigelow Mtn Solstice Backpack
Meeting Time: 7:00am
Meeting Place: Cinnamon Twisp Bakery
Hike Leader: Dana Visalli

This is an annual treck to look for Eritricum nanum.  Hike is strenuous. Will plan to camp near Hoodoo Pass.  Dana will coordinate the trip logistics with those interested. Please contact Dana if interested.  

Save your spot:


June 29th - Tiffany Springs to Honeymoon Pass
Meeting Time: 8:00
Meeting Place: Town Trailhead behind Winthrop PT
Hike Leader: Carol Campbell

This is an all day hike. Hike starts at Tiffany Springs campground and heads to Honeymoon Pass and beyond. It is about 3 miles to the pass, probably muddy. You will need good hiking shoes, layers of clothes (this is Tiffany Mt, any weather can occur ay any time.) and lunch, water.This trip is snow melt dependent and if we hit it right the flowers can be wonderful. It is about an hour drive to the campground.  Limit 10.

Save your spot:


July 7th - Sweetgrass Butte
Meeting Time: 8:00
Meeting Place: Winthrop Barn
Hike Leader: Therese Ohlsen

Sweetgrass Butte is about 17 miles out of Winthrop up the Cub Creek drainage on mostly FS gravel roads.  You can drive to the top of the Butte, but road conditions may not be ideal.  At 6100’ the plants are starting to take on a bit of that subalpine and alpine feel.  Once up to the Butte, the terrain is easy to moderate. Good hiking shoes/boots are recommended.  Bring a lunch, bug repellant, sunscreen, water, and the basic back country attire for expected weather.  We will return to the Barn around 3 pm.  I will check on road and snow conditions just prior to the trip and let those signed up know what to expect.  Limited to 10.  

Save your spot:


September 22nd - Alpine Lichens
Meeting Time: 8:00
Meeting Place: Mazama Store or Winthrop Red Barn
Hike Leader: Peter Neitlich

This is an all day hike that will center around alpine lichens in the Hart's Pass area.  You will be looking at a 2 to 3 mile hike in.  Be prepared for  Fall backcountry weather and bring enough food and water for the day. Terrain will be moderate to difficult, depending on how much scrambling you want to do.  You will need sturdy hiking boots for scrambling around off trail.  Trail pass is required for Hart's Pass.  Don't forget your hand lens and lichen book, if you have one. Participants will be notified of the finalized trip logistics.  Please contact Peter Neitlich. 

Save your spot:


2017 Field Trips

Anyone is welcome to join these free trips. Please reserve a spot on any hike by contacting the trip leader.

Trip Leaders, here are the documents to print for each walk you lead. 

Click Here for the Release Form (Have all attendees fill out)

April 29:  MVIC Native Plant Garden Tour
Wander around the Methow Valley Interpretive Center’s Native Plant Garden and hear about the many medicinal and edible uses of the plants we find there. We will meet at 11am. Space is limited to 12. Reserve your spot by contacting the trip leaders. Rosalee & Xavier de la Forêt or 997-0545

May 28Pearrygin Lake 
A walk in the hills just above Pearrygin Lake on Sunday May 28th; we will park along the road at the big pond on the way in to the lake and walk east from there, around the pond and over hill and dale. making a loop. The terrain will be mild, not steep, but the hike
will be in off trail in the shrub-steppe. We will do some botany-- learning to identify plant families, identifying the grasses that we see, and keying out a few plants just for the fun of it.

There are at least a couple of unusual plants of there: a favorite of mine, blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium), and a rare plant called Monolepis which
we may or may not find.

We will meet at the trailhead parking lot adjacent to Winthrop Physical Therapy at 9 AM, and will try to be back to the cars at 1 PM, after walking 2-3 miles.
Call or write Dana to sign up or with questions. 

May 5: Goal Wall Hike out of Mazama
Our route up the Goat Wall Trail will zigzag gently from the climbing rock parking lot, rather than straight up.  We'll meet at the Mazama store first, to insure all have lunches, water, and to carpool.  Register with Eric Burr & Margrit Broennimann

July 8th: Sweetgrass Butte (Suitable Road and Snow condition dependent)

Sweetgrass Butte is about 17 miles out of Winthrop up the Cub Creek drainage on mostly FS gravel roads.  High clearance vehicles may be needed. You can drive to the top of the Butte, but road conditions may not be ideal.  At 6100’ the plants are starting to take on a bit of that subalpine and alpine feel.  Once up to the Butte, the terrain is easy to moderate depending on where we end up.  Good hiking shoes/boots are recommended.  Bring a lunch, bug repellant, sunscreen, water, and the basic back country attire for all possible weather.  We will meet at the Barn in Winthrop at 8am to carpool.  We will return to the Barn no later than 3 pm.  I will check on road and snow conditions just prior to the trip and let those signed up know what to expect.
Limited to 10 people.

Contact Therese Ohlson or call 509-997-0118. 

July 15-16: Dollar Watch Mountain Obsidian
This is an 18 mile round trip overnight campout in the Pasayten Wilderness. We plan to camp near the Lost River confluence of Deception Creek where we will look for volcanic rocks on Sunday morning. The total elevation gain and trail level of difficulty is moderate, crossing two low passes Billy Goat Pass (<1500 ft relief) and Lucky Pass (1200 ft relief). Email George for more information and a list of required gear for this extended outing. A short version of the hike that only goes to Billy Goat Pass for a Saturday day hike is possible if a leader volunteers for the return portion. Billy Goat Pass is an easy 1.5 mile hike beginning at Eightmile Pass Trailhead. It goes along a Rocky Trail and ends at the Pasayten Wilderness Boundary. Rock lovers will like shrubby penstemon and saxifrages; shade lovers will like Tiarella.

Confirm attendance with leader George Wooten (509-997-6010,, limit 12 people total. You will need Wilderness gear, backpack, meals for 2 days, sleeping bag and a tent. We will carpool from Winthrop. Parking permits are required for $5 per day if you don't have a pass.

June 23: Butterfly Field Trip
Depending on conditions, we’ll choose a spot with easy walking where we can enjoy the flowers and catch butterflies to look at them closely, and then release them. Bring nets and field guides if you have them, but we have extras. Look for location confirmation via email a few days in advance of the trip. We will meet at 9am. Limited to 12 people. To reserve your spot, notify Joyce. 509-996-7808

2016 Field Trips

Anyone is welcome to join these free trips. Please reserve a spot on any hike by contacting the trip leader.

April 16—Mill Hill (Twisp) for Flowers & Bees—led by Dana Visalli  dana at 509-997-9011
A short (2-miles) but steep hike up the trail that goes up the ridge just south of Twisp. Approximately 9 AM to noon. There is a charming dwarf lupine up there that will be in the youth of its bloom, plus some other unusual plants. We will also observe  pollinators and try to identify them and watch the ravens play along the cliffs. Meet in Hank’s parking lot at 9 AM (we won’t leave cars there).

April 23—Location TBA—led by Rosalee de la Foret-  rosalee at  997-0545
We’ll go slow and spend lots of time talking about the edible and medicinal uses of the plants we see. We hope to see yellow bells, arrow leaf, spring beauties, yarrow, bitterroot, lupine, various Lomatiums and more. 10 AM. 

April 30—Spokane Gulch, Goat Wall—led by Eric Burr  burrski at  996-3101
Spokane Gulch-Goat Wall: Moderate unmaintained foot paths up and back from whichever side the group is most interested in, with the possibility for a through hike(a soggy 3 miler) and car shuttles for those interested. Usually we eat lunch up at a view point and are back down mid-afternoon. Early season flowers and birds on Mazama's most popular unofficial "trail" before the higher country opens up, with views of Gardner and Silver Star.  Meet at the Mazama Store at 9 AM to organize and stock up with lunch stuff.

May 20-21Bee Identification Workshop with Don Rolfs
This will be Friday evening Saturday ?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /9 AM- 2 PM field workshop on how to identify our native bee pollinators. Don is one of the best native bee instructors in the country so this is a rare opportunity to learn about bees. Cost $10 (to pay his expenses getting and staying here) A limit of 20 people with 8 signed up; reserve a spot with Dana   dana at  509-997-9011

June 5Grass Identification Workshop with Dana Visalli
There are over 100 species of grasses in the Methow, but most people do not recognize more than two or three of them. In this 9 AM to 3:30 PM program we will work in a botany lab set up at Twisp Works and in the field to learn to recognize 20 of the most common grasses in the Methow, and the basics of how to key out all grasses.
Cost is $35; contact Mary Kiesau at the Methow Conservancy to sign up at 996-2870, mary at

June 11Butterfly Hike—led by Joyce Bergen  
Butterflies for beginners, plants too, location to be announced, depending on seasonal conditions. This will be easy walking. Bring nets & field guides if you have them; we have extras. No collecting, just catch-identify-and-release. Look for location confirmation via email a few days in advance of the trip. We will meet at 9 AM. Limited to 12 people. To join, notify Joyce. magpie at  509-996-7808

June 19Hoodoo/Bigalow for Alpine Forgetmenots—led by Dana Visalli  
This is a difficult 14 mile roundtrip hike up the East Fork Buttermilk trail to see the rare alpine forgetmenots and snow Douglasia blooming on Bigalow Mountain. There will snow to climb and descent at Hoodoo Pass. We will leave early, probably 6:30 AM. dana at  509-997-9011. 

July 3 or thereaboutsMiddle Tiffany Tundra Country—led by Caryl Campbell 
Middle Tiffany, just north of Tiffany Mountain, has a fascinating expanse of tundra-like grasslands with sporadic wetlands, a botanical wonderland. The hike is about 5 miles long with some elevation gain.
 bearfight at  996-3458. 

2015 Field Trips

Anyone is welcome to join our free field trips. Please contact the trip leaders to register. 

Friday, March 20, Spring Equinox Birds & Flowers with Mary Kiesau. Mary is the Methow Conservancy’s Education Programs Director, and her hikes are sponsored by the Conservancy; by hey, they’re still hikes! On this date she will lead a birding walk from 8-9:30 AM and a flower walk from 4-6 PM. These relaxed walks (there are four more, March 26th and April 3rd, 10th and 22nd) are for all levels of experience, including beginners. Space is limited so registration is required. Email Mary or 509-996-2870. For information on the other four dates contact Mary or google Methow Conservancy March E-news.

March 24- Golden Doe with Karen Edwards- The Golden Doe hike is a good early spring outing while the hills are green and the flowers are out. There are extensive stands of sage buttercups, plus long-flowered blue bells, shooting stars and yellow bells, if we’re lucky. It is approximately 3 miles round trip with possible loop option. Meet at the back of the community center parking lot in Twisp at 9:30 AM. Bring snacks or lunches, binocs and/or hand lenses. Maximum of 12 people. Contact trip leader Karen Edwards to join at 996-8211, email.

April 12-13- The Ice Age Floods and Sun Lakes Flora with Dana Visalli- This is an overnight outing to Sun Lakes State Park, where we will walk on and off trail about 4 miles on both days (the footing is rough and uneven, but individuals can turn back at any time), enjoying spring flowers and practicing our keying. We will also study up on the Missoula Floods (also called the Spokane Floods and Bretz Floods) that roared through this area 13,000 years ago. We will probably camp at the park campground, when there will be more plant keying and folk music. Contact Dana to join, 509-997-9011, email.

April 25-Patterson Mt with Therese Ohlson- This is an approximately 3 mile round-trip hike with 500’ of elevation gain. Therese is a professional botanist; she will have a species list of the plants on the hike for all participants. Meet at 10 AM and bring a lunch for an about 3-hour leisurely hike. Park at the boat launch area midway along Patterson Lake; you should have a Discover Pass for the parking lot, or you can hope to squeeze into the free area along the road. Reserve your spot with Therese Ohlson at 997-0118, email.

April 26- Goat Wall- with Eric Burr- Meet at 9 AM at the Mazama Store. There is a steep, rough foot path up through cliffs, so the group must stay together. Getting lost is not good here. Those wishing to hike the 3 steep miles to Mazama, can arrange their car shuttles at the store. The up and back hike from the climbing rocks is much shorter, but still somewhat steep and rough. Bring a lunch as we'll be very leisurely, weather permitting. -Eric 509/996-3101 only after the 24th of April or email.  [Eric will be in Europe prior to the 24th]

May 7- Pearrygin Lake wetlands and shrub-steppe with Caryl Campbell. This outing is both for the unusual flowers that grow around the lake and for birds that frequent the area, including the possibility of seeing nesting long-eared owls. An easy 2 mile hike. Meet at the Methow trails (town trailhead) parking lot in Winthrop at 8:30 AM. Bring binoculars, ‘flower apps’ and food if desired; we will be done by noon. Sign up with Caryl at 996-3458 or email.

June 5th at Big Valley with Rosalee de la Forêt. We’ll enjoy a leisurely stroll down the Dripping Springs/Big Valley trail, stopping often to look at the blooming spring flowers we find along the way. Rosalee will also share some medicinal and edible properties of both native and non-native plants. If we are lucky we’ll see some blooming stands of lady’s slippers, other wild orchids, violets and tiger lilies. Meet at the Dripping Springs parking lot/trailhead at 10am on June 5th. Plan on three hours. Bring snacks, if desired, and water. Contact trip leader, Rosalee, to join at 997-0545, email.

June 13-Butterflies for Beginners- with Joyce Bergen. Plants too. Location to be announced, depending on seasonal conditions. Bring close-focus binoculars, nets, jars, and butterfly field guides if you have them; we have extras. No collecting, just catch-identify-and-release. Look for hike and meeting location confirmation via email a few days in advance of the trip. Meet at 9 a.m. Limited to 12 people. To join, notify Joyce Bergen, 509-996-7808, email.

June 28- Hoodoo Pass- with Dana Visalli. This is a challenging 14-mile round trip hike to enjoy spring on the East Fork Buttermilk Creek trail and visit an alpine flower garden on a mountain ridge. There is steep snow to climb at Hoodoo Pass and then large talus blocks to clamber over on the way to the ridge beyond the pass. Contact trip leader Dana Visalli at 509-997-9011, email.

July 1 (approximately, depending on how summer emerges)- Tiffany Lake, Honeymoon Pass and Middle Tiffany with Caryl Campbell. This is about a 5 mile hike up onto the tundra-like conditions on Middle Tiffany with great alpine flowers. Contact Caryl for this mountain adventure at 996-3458, email.

July 12- Lone Fir Campground Forest Loop Trail- with Eric Burr. Meet on12th at 9 AM at the Mazama Store and we'll car pool from there. This is an easy 3 mile loop through middle elevation montane forest with unusual forest flowers, shrubs and mushrooms. Bring lunch as we'll be leisurely and eat out on the trail, weather permitting. Eric 509-996-3101.

2014 Events Calendar
Okanogan Chapter, Washington Native Plant Society

The Okanogan Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society covers the area between Wenatchee and Republic, from the Cascade crest to the Columbia River. Each year we visit botanically interesting areas in order to appreciate, conserve and study our native plants and habitats.
This is our 2014 calendar of hikes and events. All of these events are open to the public, but space is limited so registration is required. For more information call Dana at 509-997-9011 or George at 509-997-6010.

Native Plant Appreciation Week: April 27 – May 3

Thursday, May 1. with Methow Conservancy. 
“After-Work” Wildflower Walk & Talk. Join a botany volunteer or Mary Kiesau, the Methow Conservancy’s Educational Programs Director, on a native plant “after-work” walk and talk. We'll go to a different location on each walk, appropriate for the time of the month. These mini-classes are free but space is limited so registration is required. Contact Mary for more details or to reserve your spot at or 509-996-2870. 

Saturday, May 3. Golden Doe Wildlife Area, Native Plant Appreciation Week
Visit a large bench on land below towering McClure Mountain. The landscape is open, with scattered shrub-steppe, wetlands and forest stringers. Bring lunch, dress for the weather, and consider binoculars for the abundant wildlife. The hike involves moderate off-trail difficulty, but no steep slopes. Meet at 9am in the parking area behind Hank’s Market & Ace Hardware in Twisp. Prepare to carpool; cars parked on state land require Discover Passes. To join this field trip, notify G. Wooten (509-997-6010; 

Spring hikes
Thursday, May 8. Judd Ranch. 
Former WDFW Methow Wildlife Area Manager, Tom McCoy, leads us in this little-visited area, at a time when wildflowers should be in their prime. The first steep mile leads up to a plateau of rolling hills with meadows. Bring lunch, dress for the weather, and wear boots appropriate for snake country. The hike involves moderate walking distances. Meet at 8am in the parking area behind Hank’s Market & Ace Hardware in Twisp. Prepare to carpool; cars parked on state land require Discover Passes. We need at least 5 people to take this trip, and no more than 12. To join this field trip, notify Joyce Bergen (509-996-7808;

Saturday, May 17 (Saturday) Moccasin Lake Ranch Wildflower Walk and Picnic. 
Greata Beatty, author of Wildflowers of Moccasin Lake Ranch, will show us some of her best wildflower viewing spots. This event includes a picnic lunch and short walks accessed by vehicles. Funds will benefit the Methow Valley Interpretive Center, partners with the Native Plant Society through the native plant garden in Twisp. To register for this field trip, notify George Wooten (509-997-6010; Cost is $40.

Sunday May 18. Gentle Homestead Walkabout.  
Dana Visalli will lead an easy walk around his 9 acres, where he claims at least 200 bitterroot will be in bloom, plus many other native shrub-steppe wildflowers, and an intact soil crust of mosses, clubmosses and lichens, plus a wildflower garden full of various penstemon.  1-3 pm; meet promptly at 1 pm at the Methow Community Center parking lot in Twisp (then 3 miles to the homestead).   To join call or email Dana at 997-9011 or 

 (Saturday June 14 & 15. Sinlahekin 75th Birthday. 
There will be hikes both days, all day, with experts on bees, lichens, mosses, molluscs, birds, kids, ungulates, and natural history. On Saturday, June 14, from 6 to 8pm, Dana Visalli presents: A Walk Through Time: The Evolution of the Sinlahekin's Rocks, Plants and Animals, an evening walk with a localized introduction to “Big History”  and the connection between all things. On Sunday the 15th, from 9am to noon, Dana Visalli and George Wooten will lead a wildflower hike. Contact (509) 223-3358 or 509-892-7853 for more information.

Saturday, June 21. Butterflies for Beginners. 
And plants too, possibly traveling to Lookout Mountain. Bring close-focus binoculars, nets, jars, and butterfly field guides if you have them. No collecting, just catch-identify-and-release. This hike is of moderate difficulty, but there are options to chase after butterflies. Destination could change, depending on conditions. Look for location confirmation a few days in advance of the trip. Meet at 9 a.m. at the Grange parking lot in Twisp. This trip is limited to 12 people. To join this field trip, notify Joyce Bergen (509-996-7808)

Sunday, June 29 Hoodoo Pass Alpine Wildflower Extravaganza.  
The best alpine wildflower show in the Methow is on Bigalow Mountain above Hoodoo Pass.  Only problem is it’s hard to get there; 14 miles round trip, with about ¼ mile of talus hopping.  Rewards include Alpine Forgetmenot (Eritrichium nanum) and Snow Douglasia blooming together.  Meet at the Methow Valley Community Center parking lot in Twisp at 6 am.   To join, call or email Dana at 997-9011 or 

Sunday, July 13
Midnight Mountain

Join us for an all day excursion into Midnight Mountain country on Sunday July 13th.  The hike is moderately arduous following an unmaintained trail off the end of Little Bridge Creek Road.  It is somewhere around 7 or 8 miles round trip with an elevation gain of about 3,000 feet.  

We travel through old growth Douglas fir, alpine meadows, scattered whitebark pine, and an odd Pacific Silver fir community.  There is water at the start of the hike and when we get to the top only.   So bring lots of water, lunch, and the usual mountain attire.   We will meet at 7:30 and will start hiking no later than 8 am.  8 person limit.  Please let Therese Ohlson know if you plan to come or have any questions.  997-0118 or

WNPS—Okanogan Chapter
2013 field trips

We are still looking for a few field trip leaders to help fill out the calendar. You don't need a lot of plant knowledge, just a willingness to coordinate a trip. 
Please contact Bergen Brell if you are interested: (509) 997-0625 or bergenbrell at  

Sunday, April 21st: Methow Rapids Natural Area Preserve
Sandra Strieby will lead an exploration of the DNR’s Methow Rapids Natural Area Preserve (NAP).  Located near Pateros, the NAP features two rare types of native shrub-grassland that were once common: the antelope bitterbrush/bluebunch wheatgrass association and the smooth sumac/bluebunch wheatgrass association.  It is also home to a variety of forbs, from ferns (Cystopteris fragilis) to cactus (Opuntia cf fragilis)—we’ll see what’s blooming when we get there.  In particular, we will be looking for any plants that are not already on the DNR’s list for the area.  
When: We will meet at 9:00 in back of Hank’s (next to the apple orchard), and plan to return to Twisp by 2:00.  Parking is very limited at the NAP, so we’ll aim to carpool in as few vehicles as possible.  
Trip rating: 3 (moderate).  The terrain is gently sloping; walking is fairly easy, but there is no trail.  The ground is strewn with granite boulders of various sizes.  The site is fenced and getting in requires climbing over or through the fence.  
The NAP is a sensitive site, accessible only by permit.  The field trip is limited to 12 people, including the leader.  Please bring a lunch, water, sturdy footwear, all-weather clothing and sun protection.  
To join this field trip notify Sandra Strieby, (509) 997-2576 or sandra102 at  Reservations are strongly recommended as our permit allows only 12 people.  

Thursday, April 25th: Patterson Mountain
Caryl Campbell will lead the trip up Patterson Mountain.  The spring flowers should be in full force by then, but the bitter-root will probably not be blooming yet, but maybe.  Bring binocs, we always notice birds too.  Bring snacks and water and always carry rain gear.
When: Meet at 9:00 am at the MVSTA town trailhead parking lot...or at Patterson Mt. parking area.  Let Caryl know which lot you will be in.
Trip rating: 3 (moderate).  The trail is about 3 miles; we will spend about half a day, depending on how much botanizing we do.  Limit is 12 people.  

To join this field trip notify Caryl Campbell (509)996-3458 or email: bearfight at  

Sunday, April 28th: Aspen Lake Area
Join Bergen Brell and Rosalee de la Forêt for a trip up and around the Aspen Lake area observing early spring wildflowers and medicinals to kick off Native Plant Appreciation Week!  
When: 9 a.m. at the back of the Community Center parking lot in Twisp, then car pool up to the Frost Rd. pull out just before the gate.  
Trip rating: 3 (moderate).  
To join this field trip notify Bergen Brell, (509) 997-0625 or bergenbrell at  

Sunday, April 28th: Planting at the Methow Valley Interpretive Center’s Native Garden.  
Join Rob Crandall in planting natives after the Aspen Lake walk, before the Interpretive Center’s last-Sunday talk, or anytime in between.  Please call Rob at (509) 341-4060 or visit for more information. 

Wednesday, May 1st: Native Plant Appreciation Week Wildflower Walk
Celebrate Washington’s Native Plant Appreciation Week (April 28–May 5) with a native plant “after-work” walk with the Methow Conservancy’s Educational Programs Director and naturalist, Mary Kiesau.  
When: 4-6 pm.  Location to be announced depending on what’s blooming and where.  
Trip rating: 1 (easy).  
To join this field trip notify Mary Kiesau, (509) 996-2870 or mary at  

Sunday, May 5th: Climbing Rocks/ Spokane Gulch Area
Join Eric Burr for one of the best, and most scenic, spring flower hikes.  We follow a roughly marked, but easy foot path above the lower "rocks", actually cliffs, stopping frequently for flowers, gawking at the views, and photo ops.  Broad grassy ledges gently climb to a high vantage point lunch stop about 500 feet vertically, and a mile from, the parking area.  
After lunch at least one hiker wants to follow the markers on over to Spokane Gulch and descend to Mazama that way. Consequently we'll arrange a car shuttle/car pool at the Mazama store before we start.  Shoes with ankle support are preferred by most hikers for the ungraded and irregular foot path, and some also like the extra protection from the remote chance of encountering a rattle snake.  Runners however love this trail to train for the Cutthroat Classic Race, and it's also been done in flip-flops.  Delicious lunch stuff and liquids are handy at the store, but bring your own rain gear, if it looks possible on the appointed day.  
When: 9:00 a.m. at the Mazama Store Parking Area
Trip rating: 2 (easy to moderate)
To join this field trip notify Eric Burr, burrski at  

Sunday, May 12th: Cross Hill Area
Join Dana Visalli for a hike up the ridge that extends down to the south of Twisp from the hill with the cross on it.  There are two species of rare and interesting plants on the gravel balds along the ridge, a lupine and a Cryptantha.  Total distance will be about two miles; level of difficulty is easy except for the first half mile going uphill on a trail along the ridge.  
When: 9 a.m. at Hank’s Parking Lot; we won’t leave the cars there. We will be back by 12:00 noon.  
Trip rating: 1(easy) overall except for the first half mile going uphill on a trail along the ridge, which would be a 3 (moderate).  
To join this field trip notify Dana Visalli, (509) 997-9011or dana at  

Sunday, May 26th: Twisp River Rearing Ponds
George Wooten will lead an afternoon visit to the Twisp River fish rearing ponds at the west end of Twisp to study the plants and the pollinators.  Bring snacks, water and rain gear.  Optionally, at the end of the hike we can to head over to the Methow Valley Interpretive Center on the TwispWorks Campus and hear the Last Sunday Event featuring Bob Gillespie speaking on native bees beginning at 5 p.m.  
When: Meet at 1:00 pm at the Twisp Works.
Trip rating: 1 (easy).  The area has a small trail and footbridges.  We will meander the paths along the river.  Limit is 15 people.  Please confirm your spot with George.  
To join this field trip notify George Wooten (509) 997-6010 or george232 at  

Saturday, June 8th: Butterfly Walk
Butterflying for beginners, and plants too, at a location to be announced, probably within the Methow Wildlife Area.  Bring close-focus binoculars, nets, jars, and butterfly field guides if you have them, but extras will be on hand.  No collecting, just catch-identify-and-release. Joyce will confirm the destination with participants in advance of the trip.  
When: 9 am at the MVSTA trailhead parking lot in Winthrop.  This trip is limited to 12 people.  
Trip rating: 1 (easy)-3 (moderate).
To join this field trip, notify Joyce Bergen, (509) 996-7808 or magpie at  

Monday, July 8th: Tiffany Springs Camp Ground to Honeymoon Pass.  
Date may change if the snow hasn't melted out and/or there are no flowers yet.  
Caryl Campbell will lead us through wonderful fields of flowers on the way to Tiffany Lake including the yellow columbine. .Up by the pass we may see the pygmy Lewisia, and if we do climb up to Middle Tiffany we will look for purple saxifrage.  
When: Meet at 8 am at the MVSTA town trailhead.  
Trip rating: 3-4 (moderate to somewhat difficult), about 4-5 miles round trip, but we will be at an altitude of above 7000 ft.  We might go further up towards Middle Tiffany in which case the hike is cross country and steeper.  
*It probably will be wet, so boots are needed.  Always bring a rain coat when you go to Tiffany; it could also get cold.  This will be an all day trip, so bring lunch.  Binocs if you want.  
To join this field trip notify Caryl Campbell, (509) 996-3458 or bearfight at  

Friday, July 12th: Copper Pass
Join Mary Kiesau for a short hike through a bit of forest, then open up to a wide south-facing slope covered in multiple avalanche paths that are full of subalpine flowers.  From here, we make a relatively easy traverse across to the back (south) side of Blue Peak.  The north side of Stiletto will face us the entire way and we are surrounded by peaks and a huge glaciated valley.  Time permitting, we'll climb the short, steep approach to Copper Pass which looks down into the Twisp drainage.  
When8 a.m. at the Mazama Corral Parking lot.  Limited to 12 people, no dogs.
Trip rating: 4-5 (difficult).  
To join this field trip notify Mary Kiesau, (509) 996-2870 or mary at

Sunday, July 14th, Burch Mountain
Join Kathleen Learned for a trip up Burch Mountain. Tentatively scheduled for July 14th. 
When: July 14th, contact Kathleen for more information. 
Trip rating: 4-5 (difficult); 10-mile hike with a 3,000 foot elevation gain
To join this field trip notify Kathleen Learned, (206) 323-3974 or klearned at

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