Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July Field Trips!

Here's a listing of our scheduled July field trips. We would love to have some field trips in August, please contact us if you are interested. 

Monday, July 8th: Tiffany Springs Camp Ground to Honeymoon Pass.  
Date may change if the snow hasn't melted out and/or there are no flowers yet.  
Caryl Campbell will lead us through wonderful fields of flowers on the way to Tiffany Lake including the yellow columbine. .Up by the pass we may see the pygmy Lewisia, and if we do climb up to Middle Tiffany we will look for purple saxifrage.  
When: Meet at 8 am at the MVSTA town trailhead.  
Trip rating: 3-4 (moderate to somewhat difficult), about 4-5 miles round trip, but we will be at an altitude of above 7000 ft.  We might go further up towards Middle Tiffany in which case the hike is cross country and steeper.  
*It probably will be wet, so boots are needed.  Always bring a rain coat when you go to Tiffany; it could also get cold.  This will be an all day trip, so bring lunch.  Binocs if you want.  
To join this field trip notify Caryl Campbell, (509) 996-3458 or bearfight at  

Friday, July 12th: Copper Pass
Join Mary Kiesau for a short hike through a bit of forest, then open up to a wide south-facing slope covered in multiple avalanche paths that are full of subalpine flowers.  From here, we make a relatively easy traverse across to the back (south) side of Blue Peak.  The north side of Stiletto will face us the entire way and we are surrounded by peaks and a huge glaciated valley.  Time permitting, we'll climb the short, steep approach to Copper Pass which looks down into the Twisp drainage.  
When8 a.m. at the Mazama Corral Parking lot.  Limited to 12 people, no dogs.
Trip rating: 4-5 (difficult).  
To join this field trip notify Mary Kiesau, (509) 996-2870 or mary at

Sunday, July 14th, Burch Mountain
Join Kathleen Learned for a trip up Burch Mountain. Tentatively scheduled for July 14th. 
When: July 14th, contact Kathleen for more information. 
Trip rating: 4-5 (difficult); 10-mile hike with a 3,000 foot elevation gain
To join this field trip notify Kathleen Learned, (206) 323-3974 or klearned at

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