Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Help Create One of the First Public Native Plant Gardens in Eastern WA

By Rob Crandall

The native plant garden at the Methow Valley Interpretive Center has begun its planting efforts. We are looking to develop strong community involvement with this project.

There have been some exciting connections developing with Colville tribal members, strengthening the cultural plant aspects of the garden. See the Methow Valley News article about this here. 

Help us plant the garden!
Our next planting time is scheduled for Wed. May 8th at 3pm. Please come and join us!

Help us collect seeds!
This summer we would like to collect seed from a diverse range of species from which to propagate planting stock for the garden. Ultimately, we would love to see over 250 species represented in the garden, including plants ranging from shrub-steppe all the way up to sub alpine and all the representative habitat types in between. 

This is an ambitious project but one that will ultimately be a wonderful educational tool for native plants in the Methow. All native plant enthusiasts are invited to join in the effort.

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